Commercial tenders of Ukraine on the Salesbook website. A procurement tender is simple and fast: creating, conducting, and searching for tenders.
If you are selling your products (or services) and looking for a good buyer, participation in the tender will help not only to conclude a deal, but also to build a long-term relationship. Taking part in the tender is not difficult - it only takes a couple of minutes to find a buyer you are interested in and make him a commercial offer. On the Salesbook tender procurement portal, large and small suppliers can find buyers for any goods, services or works:
- tenders for the construction of Kyiv, Dnipropetrovsk, Odesa, Zaporizhzhia, tenders for construction works and materials in other regional centers of Ukraine;
- tenders for the transportation of passengers or goods, provision of transport and forwarding services;
- purchases for the needs of agro-industrial enterprises: veterinary drugs, fodder, fertilizers, seeds, plant protection products, agricultural machinery for harvesting, sowing, tillage, and spare parts for it;
- for the supply of products, spices and food additives; packaging, refrigerating, trade equipment for food production;
- tenders for legal services, design work, advertising, printing, organization and holding of events, production of furniture and other products and structures, and much more.
The geography of bidding on the site is wide and includes tenders placed by enterprises of the West, Center and East of Ukraine: Kharkiv, Kryvyi Rih, Zhytomyr, Lviv, Ivano-Frankivsk and other cities. All these are open tenders of private commercial companies and holdings for the purchase of goods or services for business and the needs of own production. To search for tenders, the site has a convenient filtering system: you can search for a suitable tender online by auction organizers (individual buyer or group of companies), by region, by classifier (CPV code of the unified procurement dictionary of Ukraine) and other parameters. After registering on the site, information about new open tenders in your industry will be sent to your email address. You can also create your own business circles, marking the buyers you are interested in and regularly receiving information about their posting of purchase plans and the start of bidding.
Any tender involves a competitive struggle between suppliers to provide optimal conditions for the buyer to sell their goods or services (it is not necessarily the minimum selling price, often a set of delivery parameters is necessary, for example, the speed and cost of transportation are taken into account). Therefore, a procurement tender with one bidder (with one tender offer) cannot take place. Such a situation for the buyer is a signal that the requirements for suppliers exceed their market capabilities. Or the buyer can make a decision to enter into a direct contract with this single supplier that submitted an offer, if this is allowed by the internal system of controlling the business processes of his company's purchasing business processes - since there are no legal restrictions on conducting commercial purchases in Ukraine, and the available offer fully meets the request of the buyer. In order to maximize the satisfaction of buyers' requests for supplier competition, the Salesbook tender site accepts applications for participation in tenders free of charge. To become a bidder, a supplier only needs to register on the portal and submit an application. A large base of suppliers will provide you with the most competitive - i.e., favorable conditions for the purchase of products, works or services.
Creating tenders has now become very simple. It is enough to be a registered member of the network (and you can still register absolutely free). It is only necessary to click the button "create a tender" on the Main page, and you will get to a convenient interface for creating tenders. By filling out the form step by step and following the information in the prompts, you will easily register your tender in accordance with all the rules of procurement procedures. Then it remains only to monitor the acceptance of offers and the progress of the auction. And you will choose the winner in the appointed time! Convenient, right?
- It's simple. Tender module management does not require the qualification of a tender specialist - all parameters are well known and intuitive, potential suppliers are notified automatically and instantly, their offers are "weighed" according to all the specified criteria;
- It's fast. To create your first electronic tender, it will take you only a few minutes (taking into account that you will need to fill in the company data), and the creation of subsequent tenders takes place literally in one click!
- It is economical. There is no need to pay for tender support, tenders can be created and conducted by employees of the procurement department or other divisions within their powers and budgets, and the final auction will ensure the best delivery price;
- It is effective - management of purchases and relationships with suppliers using electronic tender procedures takes business to a new level!
Electronic tenders are held in 2 rounds: first, tender offers are accepted, then an electronic auction is held among participants. Buyers can set qualification requirements for participants/sellers: the presence of a suitable material and technical base, a warehouse in a certain region, etc. All requirements that participants must meet and the algorithm for determining the winner (calculation formula, if the calculation mechanism based on the quoted price is used) are specified by the buyer in the tender documentation, which is published when the tender is placed on the trading platform. The calculation based on the quoted price/value is used when it is necessary to take into account non-price (non-cost) criteria and delivery conditions. The electronic platform ensures automatic informing of bidders about all procedures and decisions during their implementation.
Information for the buyer
When and from what amount (purchase) the tender is announced
The minimum and maximum purchase amount for commercial enterprises is not limited and depends on the internal regulations of your organization, that is, you can announce a tender for any amount. Usually, the same limits as those established by the law on public procurement are used for their implementation: the procedure of open bidding (open tender) is used for commodity purchases with a value of UAH 200,000 or more up to 133,000 euros and procurement of works worth from 1.5 million hryvnas up to 5150 thousand euros. For purchases of a large amount, an open tender with pre-qualification is held.
How to organize and conduct a procurement tender among suppliers
In order to easily and quickly make a purchase on our tender site, you need to perform a few simple steps:
- Determine the estimated amount (initial rate) and terms of purchase;
- Create and post a tender application on our website;
- Attach the necessary tender documentation;
- Monitor the system's notifications about the receipt of offers and the conduct of the auction;
- Choose a winner and conclude a contract.
Your company's announcement about the start of the tender will be automatically sent to all sellers/producers of similar products (services, works) registered on the portal. You can additionally send messages to suppliers from your own business circles or choose closed auctions with limited participation so that information about them is available only to a small circle of participants.
Where to place (create) a tender
The announcement of the tender is placed on the electronic platform of commercial bidding. To create a new tender, you need to fill out an electronic application in the system. From this time it becomes available to all potential sellers (if the open bidding procedure is used). The Salesbook platform provides the ability to search and view tenders for all suppliers without restrictions, without registration on the site, and registered users are sent automatic notifications about the start of bidding.
By whom and how is the term of the tender determined
The deadline is determined by the customer - the auction organizer, based on the ability of potential participants to submit the documents necessary for participation (but not less than 1 day). In order to get the lowest possible purchase price, you can set the condition of extending the deadline for accepting tenders (1st round): when an offer is received with a price lower than the best price up to that point, the deadline for accepting offers is automatically extended for the set time (from 15 minutes). This gives other participants a chance to adjust their bids in the direction of lowering the price.
How to make changes to the tender
You have the right to make changes to the tender announced by you at the 1st stage (acceptance of offers) or to refuse to conduct it altogether. If you have made changes to the tender documentation after some participants have already submitted their bids, you must resend requests for new commercial bids.
How admission to the tender and selection of the winner takes place
For open tenders, after the 1st round (acceptance of bids), an electronic downwards auction is automatically announced and conducted. According to the results of the auction, the buyer considers the tender offers, starting with the minimum, and makes a decision to enter into a supply contract. For open tenders with pre-qualification, the buyer first considers the received tender offers, and then makes a decision on the admission of participants to the 2nd round - the electronic auction. The protocol for consideration of tender offers is drawn up by the tender organizer in accordance with internal regulations. Participants are notified of admission to the auction through the bidding system on the Salesbook platform.
Rejection of the tender offer
Tender offers may be rejected by the auction organizer for reasons of non-compliance with the terms of delivery, expiration of the validity period, lack of tender security and other reasons that are valid for the buyer (and indicated in the tender documentation or in the participant's documents). The principle of openness of electronic auctions provides that the buyer informs the participant whose offer was rejected about the reasons for refusal. At the same time, the organizer (buying company) has the right not to choose the winner in the tender after it has been held, but must indicate the reason for such action and notify all participants.
How much does it cost to place a tender (on the tenders website))
Today, the Salesbook tender platform is free for both customers and sellers (suppliers).
How tender contracts are concluded
The conclusion of the contract between the buyer and the supplier takes place outside the tender platform Salesbook and is carried out according to the rules and communication channels accepted by the buyer. The Salesbook system does not monitor the fulfillment by the parties of the terms of the contract (supply contract) concluded as a result of tenders.
Is it possible to refuse the results of the tender
Both parties - both the customer (organizer) and the supplier (tender winner) - have the right to refuse to conclude the contract. This does not invalidate the results of the tender in the system, but it does not create any obligations for the parties (there are no contractual relations between them).
Information for the supplier
What is a tender and how to participate in it
A tender – is a procedure of competitive selection among suppliers for procurement at the best price (or a set of optimal delivery conditions). The tender is announced by the buyer. During the tender, sellers make commercial offers to the buyer, and the electronic trading system records them, selects and determines the best price. At the end of the offer acceptance stage, an automatic auction is held, where participants can reduce their previous prices. The one who offered the lowest price becomes the winner of the auction. The price is not always the determining factor when choosing the winner - sometimes it is necessary to take into account several parameters that affect the determination of the cost of delivery. In this case, the auction organizer provides a calculation algorithm taking into account the present value, according to which the system brings all offers to a single form and compares the received figures. In addition, the customer may refuse to enter into a contract with the winner of the auction with the lowest bid price for justified reasons - then he continues to consider all the bids received in ascending order of price and makes a decision to select the winner from among the bidders with higher prices.
To participate in the tender, you must:
- Carefully study the tender documentation for compliance of your offer with the conditions of the buyer;
- Register on our web portal;
- Submit an electronic application - a tender offer;
- Attach files with relevant documentation;
- Monitor system messages for timely participation in the auction;
- Receive a notification about the results of the tender.
If there are several lots in the tender, offers are submitted for one, several, or all lots for which the supplier wants to participate in the bidding (if there are no restrictions on this by the buyer). One (separate) tender offer is submitted for each lot.
What you need to know and how to prepare documents for participation in the tender
Commercial tenders are not regulated by the legislation of Ukraine. Requirements for suppliers and a package of documents for participation in commercial bidding are determined by the buyer (bidding organizer). If you do not understand the terms of the tender, you have the right to receive clarification from the auction organizer regarding the order and conditions of participation by sending him a corresponding request through the system. If you do not agree with the results of the tender, you have the right to receive from the customer (organizer) information about the reasons for the rejection of your offer and the grounds for recognizing the participant as the winner of the tender (except for information that constitutes a commercial secret or is confidential in accordance with the current legislation of Ukraine). If you are recognized as the winner of the auction, both you and the auction organizer have the right to unilaterally refuse to conclude a contract based on the results of the tender. The list of documents and conditions for participation in the tender is indicated by the customer in the tender documentation, which is attached to the tender announcement. Ads are available to all Salesbook visitors. Anyone can participate in an open tender, including sellers - private individuals, if it does not contradict the customer's requirements. If you are participating in a tender for the first time or if you do not have a specialist with appropriate qualifications on staff, you can order a «turnkey tender» service - tender support by our specialists.
How much does it cost to apply to participate?
You can submit a tender offer on the Salesbook tender site free, after simple registration on the website.
The deadline for submitting a tender offer
The deadline for submission of tender offers is indicated by the organizer in the announcement of the start of the tender. An automatic extension of the deadline occurs if the customer anticipated such a condition and an offer was received with a price lower than the best price up to that point - the timer in the announcement line is updated. During this time, you can change your first order, taking into account information about the new price. If the status of the tender indicates that the acceptance of proposals is completed, this means that the deadline for their acceptance has expired and you will not be able to submit (or change) the application for participation.
How to win a supply tender
In order to win the tender, your company must consider several factors:
- Set up a notification system and systematically monitor all commercial tenders of Ukraine or tenders in a separate region;
- Choose the buyer and the tender that best suit your interests;
- Quickly form and submit a tender offer so that it can be adjusted within the submission deadlines;
- In a timely manner, send requests for clarification of any unclear or ambiguous conditions and characteristics of the intended delivery;
- Offer the best (optimal for you) conditions and price;
- Provide a complete package of documents required by the buyer;
- Provide evidence of your benefits and good business reputation;
- Choose an auction strategy and follow it.
You should not dump with the aim of winning the tender - if it is not possible to fulfill the specified conditions, the buyer will not enter into a contract with you. Even worse, if such a contract is concluded on your initiative, it will cost you not only your business reputation and cancellation of the contract, but also financial losses. And if, as a result of dumping, another impatient participant wins the tender, then his offer may also be rejected, and the supply contract - at a fair price - as well as a promising partner-buyer will go to your company.