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ТОВ «ГРУПА АГРОПРОДІНВЕСТ» запрошує Вас прийняти участь у тендері на поставку запчастин на Культиват...
SalesBook is a self-developing and rapidly growing business network, where members contribute to the value of their business and the network as a whole. The members of the ecosystem easily find each other and interact, using all the functionality required for trade in goods, services and works, as well as for the exchange of information and documents.
Equal partnership for all network members
Fast and easy search and selection of partners
The opportunity to develop your own digital business community
Purchasing and selling 360°
Advanced tools
The electronic trading system in Ukraine includes specialized information systems and sites (for procurement, the process of which is regulated by law) and commercial trading platforms. Specialized auctions, for example, land auctions, are conducted through authorized bodies and their online resources. Thus, auctions with seized property are carried out on the OpenMarket platform of the SETAM state enterprise, and all auctions of state enterprises are necessarily carried out through the Prozorro electronic trading system for public procurement. Prozoro.Prodazh unites authorized electronic platforms of government procurement into a single information circuit. The trading platform - a member of the Prozoro trading system has the right to conduct auctions of state and communal Ukrainian enterprises and organizations. A significant part of trade operations using electronic trading systems is the commercial operations of enterprises. Purchases of commercial enterprises are called corporate auctions, which are carried out using tender procedures, sometimes on their own Internet resources (trading platforms). Commercial auctions also include auctions of charitable, donor, volunteer and other public organizations organized for the purpose of purchasing goods and services to meet the social needs of the population, the needs of the Armed Forces, specialized needs (equipment, equipment, construction, logistics, medical preparations, etc.).
The Salesbook site provides access to the database of tenders and auctions of agricultural, industrial, construction, financial, trade holdings and groups of companies - all posted open auctions are available for submitting trade offers.
The main form of procurement on a competitive basis is open bidding. Any interested person, both legal and physical, can participate in open auctions, if the participation of private individuals in auctions does not contradict the requirements of their organizer. You can submit a tender offer for the relevant auctions after registering on the Salesbook platform. Announcements about the start of open auctions are published on the portal immediately after the organizers (buyers) place them. After registration on the site, notifications about the start of bidding on a topic that interests you (your field of activity or production) will come automatically to your email address. Their organizer establishes the term of open auctions on the commercial trading platform. You can see the current stage of each bid (bid acceptance, auction, opening and bid selection). After the deadline for accepting offers, you will not be able to submit or change an already submitted application for participation in tenders, because the system will block this function.
Any commercial procurements in Ukraine can be made through the electronic bidding system, regardless of their size/amount or frequency. This is understandable - buyers are interested in the competition of suppliers in order to obtain the most favorable delivery conditions for themselves, and their management is interested in the transparency of the procurement process. The rules for conducting commercial (corporate) auctions are established by the purchasers themselves. In general, the process of organizing bidding, from the announcement of the procurement to the determination of the auction winner, takes place in the same way as in the case of public procurement. At the same time, the buyer can introduce restrictions and conditions for participation in the tender, guided only by his own needs. Mainly, commercial tenders are used to make purchases - these are downward bidding or reverse auctions. Such auctions are held on specialized electronic platforms. The trading platform can be: 1) authorized as a participant of the Prozorro electronic system, 2) created based on the buyer company itself, or 3) on the basis of another information system, such as, for example, the Salesbook electronic trading system. The rules of participation and payment for placement and participation in auctions for buyers and suppliers are established by the electronic platform.
You can submit an offer for participation in a tender or auction on our trading platform. It is only necessary to go through the procedure of registration and authorization of the participant. To register on the portal, click on the Sign in link. The cost of direct transfer to APS sites, in accordance with the Tariffs .
The current legislation (the Law of Ukraine on Public Procurement) provides frameworks for the procurement of enterprises and organizations of state and communal ownership, within which this or that procurement procedure is applied. These restrictions do not apply to auctions of privately owned enterprises. However, in fact, many trading platforms use similar trading procedures in the case of procurement through tenders (if the buyer-organizer of bidding does not insist on the application of other norms, in accordance with its internal regulations and regulations). Open tenders, depending on the amount of the purchase, differ according to the order of qualification of the participants. For open auctions in the amount of UAH 200,000 or more up to EUR 133,000 when purchasing goods and from UAH 1.5 million up to EUR 5,150,000 when purchasing works, the 2nd stage of bidding - an electronic auction - is assigned and conducted by the system automatically, and after it is held, the buyer receives information about the bids of the participants and conducts their qualification, that is, the selection of the winner. In open auctions for an amount, that exceeds the specified limits (133,000 euros for goods/services and 5,150,000 euros for works), admission to the 2nd stage is given by the buyer himself, conducting a preliminary qualification of the received offers immediately after the end of their acceptance.
First of all, the purchasing company itself should be interested in the openness of information about the conduct of bidding, in order to receive the largest number of offers from various sellers. The trading platform is not designed to control the openness of commercial procurement, however, the electronic bidding mechanism provides for receiving feedback from the buyer based on the results of the tender. The participant who submitted a commercial offer has the right to receive from the buyer, before the end of the deadline for accepting (changing) offers for the tender, an explanation regarding the requirements for participation and the organization of future delivery - in response to his request submitted using the trading system. If, based on the results of the bidding, the participant doubts the objectivity of the decision; he can ask the buyer to justify the victory of another participant.
In practice, electronic auctions are an effective additional sales channel. If you haven't used it before, it's worth a try. Even for large businesses that have already tried everything, the results of using the technology of electronic auctions for the sale of their products can be a surprise, and a "minor" increase of 4-5% of sales revenue - in nominal terms, add up to a significant figure with six zeros. For sales, auctions are used "on the rise", that is, the highest price is considered the best. Creating an auction on the commercial Internet platform Salesbook is as simple as a tender is: fill out and send an electronic application form, after which the auction is placed (published) for all potential buyers.
You can enter the world of big business and wholesale supplies through competitive bidding and selection - and this will be a reliable model for creating a strong business reputation and connections. Salesbook ensures maximum use of all tender platform options for b2b bidding and business of any industry and size. Thus, the tender provides for a quick response and assessment of the "critical point" of its production, logistics and financial capabilities. On the other hand, systematic participation in tenders encourages you to adjust your business processes in such a way as to minimize the expenditure of time and money on approval and preparation of documents, as well as to always have the necessary figures and calculations "at hand". In addition, you can get new insights for expanding production or assortment - not only the price is important, but also packing, packaging, warranty service and others. Register , submit commercial offers and get new buyers in the e-procurement market for business.
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